Equipment list for my ham shack.
electrical: Yes, I have a gas powered generator.
Alternative power sources: 2 marine batteries for 12V power rated at 2 hrs run time each. 2 car battery booster packs. 1 trickle charger.
inside: backup smart UPS (apc pro) strips - primarily used for the computer station, but may be used for net operations. 

I have a TNC. 
We have broadband internet services on site. VOIP. 
Fax is available to those on site, or for net control's use with prior arrangement

I am planning on setting up a 10 meter base station. I have 50 Ohm RG-6, running from my future galaxy radio and currently operating on my  2  m e t e r. 

I have 2 mobile rigs as a base station, along with a ANTRON A-99 antenna. 

click here to go to my home page and find links to other projects. 

galaxy radio 
You can donate your used equipment to me, and I will not thank you for it profusely but rather humbly say "thank you" in advance. Special mention to all my peers, mentors, and donors will appear in future site revisions.